Sunday, 1 September 2013

John Francis Died after a Painful Illness

Save Graves

John FRANCIS born Kent, England died "after a painful illness" in Toronto April 29 1837 age 38. 

It's unusual to find so much detail on a monument.  A stone this size would have cost some serious coin but in this case it was likely donated by his employer, Burr Mill Stone.  I found the grave heavily grown over and it was quite thrilling to painstakingly uncover one letter at a time wondering what on earth could all this 'chatter' be? But when the word 'painful' became clear, it was very sad.  So many people died far too young back then but to have this word actually carved into the stone was unusual. I imagine Burr did it so eternity would know how much John suffered.  Curious, I looked up his death record and found 'liver complaint'.  Cancer perhaps?

*Burr Mill Stone Manufacturers was a factory located in Toronto near the steamboat wharves. It's gone now.

John Francis was originally buried in Potter's Field.  When it closed, his remains were re-interred in Mount Pleasant Cemetery, Toronto.

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